Patient participation groups

Patient Participation Groups (PPG) exist within your local GP practice and are run by either the practice itself or independently by the patients in the group. They are made up of patients who are registered with the practice and have an interest in the services your GP provides.

"From April 2016 all GP practices were expected to have a patient participation group (PPG) as part of meeting the GP contract. Successful PPGs are well supported by their practice. This is essential as the PPG is a partnership between the practice and its patients.
In St.Helens there are 30 PPGs and 34 practices.
They operate in different ways and some are more active than others.There is an opportunity for all PPG members to meet as a forum organised by the practice. 
At PPG meetings members are able to raise issues of their own or those of other patients.Its also an opportunity for the practice to update the PPG about what is happening at the practice.
I would encourage everyone to join their PPG. If there isn't one or its not very active then again you have a wonderful opportunity to change things."

Do you want to get involved in your local PPG?

You can contact your practice directly to find out how their PPG works and how you can become and member and get involved. There is also advice on how to get started and set up a PPG.