Maternity services

Information about maternity services

View our Latest Antenatal Education Poster

BAME maternal health inequalities

#Black Mum Magic project - listening sessions

The Cheshire and Merseyside Women’s and Children’s Services Partnership are leading on a new project aimed at reducing these inequalities and ensuring co-production in the development of services to support BAME women.

The #Black Mum Magic project will consist of a series of listening sessions to gather the experience and views of our BAME community and then involving these participants to work on re-designing care and services to become more inclusive/culturally sensitive and inform practice to improve outcomes.

For more information, click on the flyer here

Maternity and birth - Covid-19 guidance

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Royal College of Midwives and Maternity Voices Partnerships have produced a series of leaflets giving information for pregnant women and new parents during the coronavirus pandemic. Please download and read these.

Planning your birth

Looking after yourself

New parent information

When you’re having a baby or are planning to get pregnant, we know that finding what is right for you and your family is very important.

As soon as you know you are pregnant, you can refer yourself to the maternity services provider of your choice - there is no need to visit your GP.

If you are pregnant and unsure where to have your baby or what choices are available to you, download our directory of services which give information on all the maternity service providers in Cheshire and Merseyside including contact details:

You should receive your booking appointment before ten weeks and your journey will start with an initial discussion of care and place of birth. You can find out more information about what to expect from maternity services at each stage of your pregnancy:

The closest hospitals for women in St Helens are:

  • St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust – Whiston Hospital
  • Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – Warrington Hospital
  • Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust – Ormskirk Hospital
  • Liverpool Women’s NHS Foundation Trust
  • Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust - Royal Albert Edward Infirmary, Wigan.

There are also hospitals outside the area, such as the Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust which, in line with patient choice, women can go to if they so wish. Not all services are routinely funded by the NHS and if a woman wishes to access services that the CCG do not commission they must speak to their GP who if appropriate can apply for an individual funding request but this would only be considered in ‘exceptional’ cases.

If you do feel that you have exceptional circumstances then please discuss this with your GP in the first instance.